Puisi Cinta - Do U wanna know something?

4:35 PM
Puisi Cinta - Do U wanna know something
Do U wanna know something?
A secret that I've been burried into the dark of the night.
A secret that have been broking me down day by day.
Let me tell U through the sound of the wind.

Puisi tentang cinta
Puisi cinta bagi yang cintanya terhalang tembok tebal

Do U wanna know something?
I really wanna hug U,
But there is a barrier,
A barrier that prevent me to do that.

I really wanna watch Ur eyes,
And gently say that I love U,
I love U so much,
But there is a boundaries,
A boundaries which I can't break down.

Do U wanna know something?
I really wanna touch Ur face smoothly,
But there is a wall,
A wall which I can't climb up.

Why this feeling so torturing me?
Why I can't throw up this stupid thing, throw it from my head.
I'm sick of this,
But it is so nature, isn't it?

Do U wanna know something?
I'm a man who can feel broken heart.
But, why I can't cry?
Is it my tear have been dry?

Tell me, tell me my dear princess,
What I supposed to do,
To do to get rid this pain off?
To do to get this torturing feeling disappear.

Itu tadi puisi cinta berjudul Do U wanna know something karya saya. Untuk siapakah puisi tentang cinta tersebut? Biarkan hanya saya dan alam yang tahu tentang kisah siapa yang menginspirasi puisi tersebut. Kakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakak! Salam Koplak and Geje mode on! Semoga semua makhluk berbahagia!

About the author

Donec non enim in turpis pulvinar facilisis. Ut felis. Praesent dapibus, neque id cursus faucibus. Aenean fermentum, eget tincidunt.